April 09, 2020

ODM Survey Due by COB Today, Thursday, April 9

LeadingAge Ohio received communication this morning from the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) regarding an urgent survey request for all nursing facilities that is due by close of business today. 

ODM is preparing to send a Nursing Facility Survey out to all NFs to gather information on what impact they are experiencing from COVID-19. This is a very basic survey designed to capture information quickly on the fiscal impact for Medicaid providers.  ODM will be sending an e-mail to the facility email that is in MITS to all NFs this morning with a Survey Gizmo link to the survey and is asking each NF to complete one survey per facility and submit by the close of business today.

ODM stressed that they realize it is a very quick turn-around but stressed the importance of Ohio facilities completing the survey. Keep an eye on your inboxes today in regards to this survey.