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Miller Trusts: Who will be affected?

Miller Trusts: Who will be affected?

Early last year LeadingAge Ohio notified members of a proposed change to the Ohio Department of Medicaid’s disability determination system. Effective July 1, 2016, the Ohio Department of Medicaid is preparing to change its disability determination system so that individuals who qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will automatically qualify for Medicaid. In legal terms, this means the state is implementing section 1634 of the Social Security Act, rather than using section 209(b).

What does this mean?

Who is affected?

ODM has released preliminary data that will be refined as the effective date draws near. Some of the data are as follows:

How can you help?

LeadingAge Ohio has been active in a coalition of advocacy organizations seeking to understand the ramifications of this change. In particular, now we need to understand the impact of this change on our LeadingAge Ohio members. For some, this may represent a potential for lack of payment. Please respond to the following questions:

  1. First, what number of residents in your nursing facilities have income in excess of $2,199?
  2. Of the population that has income in excess of $2,199, how many residents do not have a guardian or power of attorney?
  3. Of the number of residents that do not have a surrogate, how many are not competent to understand and sign a trust document?
  4. On average how long are you waiting on eligibility determinations from the County?

Please respond to Nisha Hammel at or Kathryn Brod at

For more information, please refer to a Jon Honeck, a coalition member’s blog on this topic.

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