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Emergency Preparedness Workgroup

LeadingAge Ohio and many of its members attended the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Emergency Preparedness (EP) workgroup meeting on July 17, 2019. The next workgroup meeting will be held at the LeadingAge Ohio offices in October. 

The meeting covered lessons learned through the tornado event in Dayton last month and considerations for preparing for the anticipated heat wave. ODH reminded the group that, in the event of an emergency or natural disaster, they will reach out to providers; following the Dayton tornadoes, ODH reached out to approximately 200 providers. 

ODH asks that providers follow up with ODH on their post-event recovery due to ODH’s requirement to report it to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). ODH reminded providers to conduct a fire watch during events when water supply is lost. 

During the In The Know call in June, LeadingAge Ohio provided members an after-action report with a completed sample report.  Following the Dayton Tornadoes, LeadingAge Ohio members in the affected areas were contacted and offered boots-on-the-ground support. 

Emergency Preparedness Considerations

LeadingAge Ohio wants to support members in emergency preparedness by assisting members in establishing MOU’s/transfer agreements, answering You Asked We Answered (YAWA) questions, providing templates for emergency preparedness, connecting members with resources and vendors, and ongoing training such as Active Shooter training and Emergency Preparedness and Life Safety training.

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