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ODM Offers Chance to Comment on Waiver Amendments

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) has asked LeadingAge Ohio for assistance in reaching individuals, including those who do not have access to computers, about an announcement of the opportunity to comment on proposed amendments to the MyCare Ohio, Ohio Home Care, Assisted Living and PASSPORT waivers.

The comment period will be held from February 15, 2020 to March 15, 2020. 

The public notice, summary of the changes, and copy of the draft waivers are available below:

Additionally, individuals may request paper copies of the postings and associated documents as follows:

As has been heavily publicized in previous issues of The Source, two of the biggest budget priorities for LeadingAge Ohio in 2019 were to secure meaningful increases to the Ohio Assisted Living Waiver and PASSPORT programs. Ohio’s final budget bill included a 3.25% increase to both programs, short of the 5.1% originally intended by the legislature.

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