Exhibitor Booth/Trade Show Registration
Registration Process:
- See below for the most recent trade show floor map for available booths
- Please note booth numbers marked out in black are no longer available.
Trade show floor map coming soon...
- Print or download the Exhibitor Application
- Return completed Exhibitor Application to Corey Markham at cmarkham@leadingageohio.org or fax to (614) 444-2974
Booth pricing:
- Member Rate - $950
- Non Member Rate - $1650
Exhibit Space Information:
- The 2023 trade show floor backdrop/drapery will be green (foyer and ballroom)
- All booth spaces are 6' (deep) x 8' (wide)
- All exhibit space pieces must fit in this space and CANNOT go outside the marked boundary
- All exhibitors are invited to stay and attend the “Game Night” event that evening from 5:00-7:00PM. This is an additional opportunity to network and interact with attendees while enjoying some games, food, beverages and music
Additional Exhibitor Information:
- Early exhibitor move-in: Tuesday, August 29, 6:00PM - 8:00PM
- Exhibitor move-in: Wednesday, August 30, 9:00AM - 11:30AM
- Trade Show Open (with lunch): Wednesday, August 30, 11:45AM - 2:00PM
- Exhibitor move-out: Wednesday, August 30, 2:15PM - 4:15PM
- Gaming Night (with attendees): Wednesday, August 30, 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Exhibitor Agreement
You will receive a confirmation email from Corey Markham when your registration has been accepted. Booth registrations must be paid in full by August 4. Booths registrations not paid in full at that time will be cancelled and open to selection by other exhibitors. Booth registrations received on August 4 or after must be paid in full at time of registration.
Booth registrations cancelled after July 21 will be subjected to a $500 cancellation fee.