
February 11, 2021

Board of Directors Meeting

February 11, 2021

02: Approval of Agenda and November 19, 2020 Minutes

Consent Items of Committee/Subcommittee Summaries:

02-A: Budget and Finance (will be posted on Friday)

03: Annual Board Survey Results

04: 2019-2021 Strategic Plan Goals (2020 Goals) and Strategic Plan Development

Generative Discussion:

How has the value-proposition of LeadingAge Ohio either been demonstrated or fallen short during COVID?

Advocacy Agenda:

05-A: Advocacy Committee Summary (12/3/20, 1/7/21)

05-B: Adult Day (12/18/20, 1/15/21)

05-C: HH/Hospice Subcommittee (11/18/20)

05-D: SNF/AL Subcommittee (11/17/20)

On motion, the Board approves the Advocacy committee and its subcommittees' summaries

Treasurer's Report:

06: December Financial Statements

On motion, the Board recommends receipt of hte December 2020 financial statements

LeadingAge Ohio Board Composition:

A discussion of proactive board composition work through which LeadingAge Ohio can lead its members in achieving diversity/equity/inclusion

Approve Nominating Committee charge:  The Nominating Committee of the LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors will seek to identify a slate of candidates to serve on the board that represents the diversity of the residents/clients served as well as the employees serving the missions of its members.  The Nominating Committee will seek to create a slate that provides members a choice in their vote, i.e. more candidates than positions available. This committee will also work to build an awareness of the role of LeadingAge Ohio’s board and create interest and enthusiasm among emerging leaders of the LeadingAge Ohio members.

07: Executive Sessions: Succession Plan and CEO Evaluation

Adjournment / Meeting Evaluation

Other Attachments:

OA1: Board meeting attendance

OA2: Legislative/Administration Visits, Agency/other Visits

OA3: LeadingAge Ohio Member Pulse Survey

OA4: Board Meeting Calendar 2021

OA5: Bridging Ohio’s Workforce Gap

OA6: Leading With Intent, Board Source

OA7: LeadingAge January and February Report


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