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CMS Survey and Certification Letter

Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP - Revised Regulations and Tags

CMS Survey and Certification Letter:
Advance Copy - Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM),
Appendix PP - Revised Regulations and Tags

  • On Wednesday, November 9, CMS released a letter that provides the ‘Advance Copy-Revisions to SOM Appendix PP’.  It includes the revised regulation text that CMS has incorporated into the SOM Appendix.
    • The Advanced Copy of Appendix PP has been updated to include all of the revised regulatory requirements that were released in the final rule.  However, only Phase 1 regulatory text is effective in this version of Appendix PP.  
    • CMS has included Phase 2 and Phase 3 language, but has distinguished these provisions within Appendix PP, listing their effective dates.
  • The deferral of Phase 2 and Phase 3 regulations notwithstanding, this version of Appendix PP is effective 11/28/16 and must be used for surveys occurring on and after 11/28/16.
    • CMS will be issuing a subsequent version of Appendix PP with updated Interpretive Guidance and a re-ordering of F-Tags at a future date.
  • The current F-Tags have been revised to include the requirements and regulation text as presented in the final rule.  
  • Interpretive Guidance has not been updated. Interpretive guidance will be revised at a later date.

In addition to the advance copy of Appendix PP, there are two other documents attached to this S and C Letter, to be used to for familiarity with the revisions made to the current F-Tags.

  • Regulation Text by Current Tag Order
    • This document lists all current F-Tags and corresponding regulation text. New regulation language is identified in red, italicized text. Please note that most F-Tags have new regulatory requirements incorporated.
  • F-Tag Job Aide
    • This document lists all current F-Tags, their corresponding regulatory section(s), and subparts. “The intent of the job aide is to inform surveyors of what has been added into the Automated Survey Processing Environment (ASPEN) system used by surveyors. For example, the advance copy of Appendix PP includes regulation text for Phases 1- 3, whereas ASPEN will include regulation text only for Phase 1.”

*All updates/revisions/additions are redlined.

*Please also note before printing that the full document is 821 pages.



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