
October 21, 2020
9:00AM - 9:30AM

Housing Happenings: Fair Housing Update


Housing Happenings

LeadingAge Ohio is proud to partner with LeadingAge Maryland to offer an educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals!  

What: Short, practical learning sessions for service coordinators, property managers, and other individuals who work with older adults in affordable housing settings.

When: The third Wednesday of every month from 9-9:30 am EST

October Topic: Fair Housing Update

Presenter: Cory Kallheim, Vice President of Legal Affairs and Social Accountability - LeadingAge

LeadingAge Maryland and LeadingAge Ohio will be hosting a weekly discussion on COVID-19 for affordable housing providers. Join us to hear latest updates and guidance, and to ask questions and hear practical solutions from other members. Call notes can be found here.

Please download and import the iCalendar (.ics) file to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 0468 6325
Passcode: 407414
One tap mobile
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+16465588656,,86404686325#,,,,,,0#,,407414# US (New York)


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